Andon signals or Andon lights, simply put, are generally used to reduce wasted time and improve efficiency in manufacturing, distribution centers, and various processes, and provide an effective means of communicating various statuses, or needs of an operator or employee, or automated machine. Whether the Andon is a stacked LED multi-colored light, or a single colored light with an audible horn (horn/strobe) to bring an extra level of "attention getting" with a loud audible signal, their purpose is to communicate--both visually and perhaps audibly.
We custom assemble stacked LED Andon lights, incorporate audible signals as required, and provide solutions to fit the user's unique needs. Many of our turn-key assemblies have the colored light stack with a length of support pole to enhance visibility, an enclosure to house manually operated On/Off switches for each colored light, and a length of power cord to allow for a quick "plug in and play" option. We also supply stand alone machine operated Andon signals switched by outputs on the customers existing equipment--generally, these devices simply require that operating power be switched to the signal.
Please contact us if we can be of assistance with your Andon signaling application needs.