6066 New Hwy 68 Madisonville, TN 37354 USA
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM ( Eastern Time )
PHONE: 866-925-2768 or 630-749-4144
FAX: 815-485-2510
This LED Alarm Light / Beacon can be switched internally for 75 flashes per minute or optionally for 130 flashes per minute of a triple flash pulse. The light is 70mm or approximately 2.75" in diameter, and is 7.25" tall, and has a 20 inch long pigtail conductor for power wiring. The base of the light has a 1/2" NPT female threaded hub for mounting. NEMA 4X, IP66 for indoor or outdoor use--OUTDOOR use in sunlight applications will provide very little visibility as is the case with many of the LED light source visual signaling devices--please feel free to contact us for assistance to match your application with the appropriate signal. Select color below when ordering.
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