Timers offered by Signalguys.com are available for everyday use in typical start and stop work alerts where a horn or other audible signal is used to alert employees of break time, lunch time, dismissal alarms, and return to work signals. We have several varieties from the simple timer that switches power to a horn or bell, to the feature rich start/stop work timer that can play a customer provided sound recording or unique tone, and also allow for 3 optional tones or voice messages to be used for other warning or alert needs that may be needed within the facility.
We also have a selection of andon or process status timers that will countdown to zero from a programmed time and once at zero they can flash an optional light, or sound a horn, or both. Applications for these devices include oven timers, process timers, batch timers, takt timing, and the like. Please contact us if you have an application question.